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David Fernández Gómez - Foz, Lugo (1987)

- 2015 - Civial and commercial mediator. Galician Lawyer Association.

- 2014 - Master en Rehabilitation and Urban Regeneration. University of Santiago de Compostela.

- 2014 - Master in Occupation and Common Risks. Specialization in Labour Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomy and Applied Psychosociology. University of a Coruña.

- 2013 - Assistant in KEL Arquitectos.

- 2012 - Graduated in Architecture. Tecnical Architecture School of A Coruña. 

DFG Architect starts in 2014 with the execution of his first project. Since then we are absolutely focus in the attention of our customers and their needs giving our best attention to every detail, fron the beginning to the end. During this time one of our largest work fields are the technical advise of our customers, giving architectural technical advise to our fellow architects, managing subventions for private customers or corporations, always looking for the best for them and their absolutely ease.

We've worked with:

Fricost, S.L

Vitrinas Cruz

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